Monday, February 8, 2010

The Reclamation of Valentine's Day: Part 1

It is February 8, 2010.
We're a week away from Valentine's Day (and incidentally, also my birthday).
And so I am dedicating this week to an important initiative:
The Reclamation of Valentine's Day.
Because, oh Hallmarkian Commercialism, you have compromised my day for too long. You have convoluted its meaning and you have monopolized its celebration, reserving it as a day for candlelight lovers and Godiva romances,
belittling the fervency of those of us who Love Life.
But no longer.
Since I reside, emotionally, somewhere in between the right-wing dozen-roses-and-box-of-chocolates-and-lose-all-points-for-originality traditionalism, and the left-wing this-holiday-is-ridiculous cynicism, I'm going to preach a little about Valentine's Day.
And I can. Because it's my birthday.
And I've watched this day be compromised for way too long. I'm liberating the day from the chains of exclusivity. Because everyone deserves to celebrate, and be celebrated, on a day reserved for Love.
photos: birdcage girl - Nature by Holunder at, heart glitter - randompictures from community.livejournal, hands and hearts - Nita McGraw from flickr, bike and baloons -Olivia Bolles, clothespin heart -Matters of the Heart from Papernstitch, dancing love Melissa, cake - RoyalMilkTea, carnival couple- Thayer Photo, reblogged from (my fave!!)

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